Forum Africa Taormina 7-8 October: the program



Quarta Edizione
Fourth Edition
Taormina San Domenico Palace Hotel
7 e 8 ottobre 2010
October 7 and 8, 2010

Giovedì, 7 ottobre 2010 – Thursday, October 7, 2010

  • 14.45 – 15.15 – Arrivo e registrazione/Arrival and registration
    Moderatore/Moderator: Cesara Buonamici (Vicedirettore, TG5)
  • 15.15 – 16.50 – Benvenuto ed apertura dei lavori/Welcome and Opening Remarks
    Giovanni Puglisi
    (Presidente, Fondazione Banco di Sicilia)
    Ivanhoe Lo Bello
    (Presidente, Confindustria Sicilia)

    Intervento di
    / Speech by
    Elham Ibrahim
    (Commissioner for Energy and Infrastructure, African Union)

    Lo scenario economico globale
    The Global Economic Outlook

    Andrea Boltho (Economist, Magdalen College, Oxford University)

    Gunter Nooke
    (German Chancellor’s Personal Representative for Africa in the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development – BMZ)

    Dambisa Moyo
    (Economist, Zambia; Author, “Dead Aid”)


  • 16.50 – 17.20 – Intervallo/Break
  • 17.20 – 18.40 – Lo scenario geopolitico ed il futuro dell’Africa
    The Geopolitical Outlook and the Future of Africa

    Paulo Zucula (Minister of Transport & Communications, Mozambico)

    Andrea Riccardi (Fondatore, Comunità di Sant’Egidio)

    Kathleen Kennedy Townsend (Professor of Public Policy, Georgetown University; Former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland, USA)


Venerdì, 8 ottobre 2010 – Friday October 8, 2010

  • 9.00 – 9.30 – Arrivo e registrazione/Arrival and registration
    Moderatore/Moderator: Cesara Buonamici (Vicedirettore, TG5)
  • 9.30 – 11.10 – Presentazione dello Studio strategico The European House-Ambrosetti:
    Sviluppare le regioni dell’Africa e dell’Europa
    Presentation of The European House-Ambrosetti’s Study: “Developing the Regions of Africa and Europe”

    Paolo Borzatta (Senior Partner, The European House-Ambrosetti, Italia)

    Tavola rotonda/Roundtable discussion

    Chance Kabaghe (President, Zambia Association of Manufacturers)

    Josep Piqué i Camps (former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Spain; President, Mixta Africa)

    Joaquim Pina Moura (Former Minister of the Economy, Portugal) Dibattito/Debate

    Intervento di /Speech by

    José María Aznar (former Prime Minister, Spain)

  • 11.10 – 11.30 – Intervallo/Break
  • 11.30 – 13.30 –
    L’Africa e la terza rivoluzione industriale: la via per la civiltà dell’empatia

    Africa and the Third Industrial Revolution: Leading The Way To An Empathic Civilization

    Jeremy Rifkin
    (Founder, Foundation on Economic Trends, USA) Dibattito/Debate

    Cultura, scienza, tecnologia e agroindustria come motori dello sviluppo in Africa
    Culture, Science, Technology and Agroindustry as Drivers for Development in Africa

    Mary Shawa (Secretary of State for Nutrition, HIV and AIDS, Malawi)

    Roberto Ridolfi (Head of Unit DCI and EU Food facility, EuropeAid Co-operation Office, European Commission))

    Hope Mwesigye (Minister of Agriculture, Uganda)


  • 13.30 – 15.00 – Pranzo/Luncheon
  • 15.00 – 16.50 –
    Presentazione dello Studio strategico The European House-Ambrosetti: “L’urbanizzazione in Africa: stato dell’arte e prospettive”
    Presentation of The European House-Ambrosetti’s Study: “Urbanization in Africa: state of the art and perspectives”

    Paolo Borzatta (Senior Partner, The European House-Ambrosetti, Italia)

    Lo sviluppo urbano e infrastrutturale in Africa: quali opportunità?
    Urban and Infrastructural Development in Africa: What Opportunities Exist?

    Omara Atubo (Minister of Land, Housing and Urban Development, Uganda

    Carlo Ratti (Director, SENSEable City Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)

    Aisa Kirabo Kacyira (Mayor of Kigali City, Rwanda)

    Cesare Trevisani
    (Vice Presidente Confindustria; AD, Gruppo Trevi)

    Mauro Moretti
    (AD, Ferrovie dello Stato)


  • 16.50 – 17.10 – Intervallo/Break
  • 17.10 – 19.15  –Il ruolo dell’Italia e dell’Europa per l’AfricaThe Role of Italy and Europe for Africa
    Antonio Tajani
    (EU Vice President and Commissioner for Industry)

    Jens-Peter Breitengross (Chairman, Afrika-Verein der Deutschen Wirtschaft)

    Miguel Angel Moratinos (Minister of Foreign Affairs, Spain)

    Adolfo Urso (Viceministro allo Sviluppo Economico)

    Vincenzo Scotti (Sottosegretario agli Esteri)

    Renato Brunetta (Ministro per l’Innovazione e la Pubblica Amministrazione)


    Considerazioni Conclusive/Closing Remarks

    Giovanni Puglisi
    (Presidente, Fondazione Banco di Sicilia)

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