Zambia Presidential By-Elections

WASHINGTON, January 26, 2015/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Press Statement

Jen Psaki

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

January 25, 2015

The Government of the United States congratulates the people of the Republic of Zambia for conducting another democratic election. Facing significant logistical challenges, Zambians went to the polls to uphold their democratic traditions. We acknowledge the important work of the Electoral Commission of Zambia and its chair, as well as the domestic, regional, and international monitoring groups. We hope that any issues will be resolved in the same spirit and democratic tradition. We encourage the people of Zambia to move forward, as their national motto states, as “One Zambia, One Nation.”

We look forward to continuing to strengthen our relationship with the Government of the Republic of Zambia and its newly elected president, Edgar Lungu. Together, our two nations have a strong friendship on which to build. We cooperate on providing health care to those most in need, in promoting peace and security in the region, in attracting investment, and in spurring economic development. We look forward to an even more dynamic and positive partnership in the years to come.

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