World AIDS Day 2011: panel discussion at the African Union



World AIDS Day 2011: panel discussion at the African Union


ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, November 30, 2011/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Invitation to the journalists

Journalists are invited to take part in a Press Conference organised by the African Union Commission (AUC) on the occasion of the Commemoration of World AIDS , tomorrow, Thursday 1st December 2011 in the African Union Headquarters.

World AIDS Day this year is about “Getting to Zero.” Zero New HIV Infections, Zero Discrimination and Zero AIDS Related Deaths.


The press conference will take place from 3:00 to 3:00pm in the Media Center of the AU Conference building, immediately after the Panel Discussion on the theme of the 2011 World AIDS Day.



Journalists are invited to cover the opening ceremony of the Panel Discussion and participate at the Press Conference at 3:00 – 3:30 pm.


Attached is the program of event on 1st December at the African Union Headquarters.

For more information, visit the AU website:





World Aids Day Commemoration 2011




December 1st, 2011, 2:00-5:30pm African Union Commission Conference Center


2:00 Introductions from Meeting Chairperson: H.E. Commissioner Bience Gawanas

2:15 World Aids Day Commemoration Speech: MrsJan Beagle UNAIDS Deputy Executive Director

2:30 ECA World Aids Day Commemoration Speech: H.E. AbdoullieJanneh

2:45 World Aids Day Commemoration Speech: H.E. Chairperson Jean Ping


3:00-3:30 Joint Press Conference- Media Room

Group Photo

Tea Break- Congo Hall


3:30-5:00 Panel Discussion on the Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission

Chaired by H.E. Commissioner Bience Gawanas

Presentation on Draft African Plan:Dr Benjamin Djoudalbaye



UNAIDS: Deputy Executive Director, MrsJan Beagle

Minister of Health of Chad, Honorable Dr. TouptaBoguena

UNICEF Representative to the AU ECA, Mrs. AkilaBelembaogo


CSO/HIV Burundi : Mme. Consolée Kamaro,

5:00-5:30 Question Answer Session

5:30-7:00 Reception by invitation



African Union Commission (AUC)

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