Western journalism at work in Tripoli


Video report from Libya by SkyNews.



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One thought on “Western journalism at work in Tripoli

  1. Western media is aimed at influencing the attitude of the public toward some cause or position so as to benefit Western govevrnments..
    As opposed to impartially providing information, Western Media, in its most basic sense, presents information primarily to influence the public. Western Media is often biased, with facts selectively presented (thus possibly lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or uses loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented. The desired result is a change of the attitude toward the subject in the target audience to further a political, or other type of agenda. Western Media is used as a form of political warfare.
    Western Media is a powerful weapon in war; it is used to dehumanize and create hatred toward a supposed enemy, either internal or external, by creating a false image in the mind. This can be done by using derogatory or racist terms, avoiding some words or by making allegations of enemy atrocities. Most Western Media wars require the home population to feel the enemy has inflicted an injustice, which may be fictitious or may be based on facts. The home population must also decide that the cause of their nation is just.
    The Western Media seeks to change the way people understand an issue or situation for the purpose of changing their actions and expectations in ways that are desirable to the interest group. Western Media in this sense, serves as a corollary to censorship in which the same purpose is achieved, not by filling people’s minds with approved information, but by preventing people from being confronted with opposing points of view. What sets Western Media apart from other forms of advocacy is the willingness of the Western Media to change people’s understanding through deception and confusion rather than persuasion and understanding. The leaders of an organization know the information to be one sided or untrue, but this may not be true for the rank and file members who help to disseminate the Western Media.
    -Nalliah Thayabharan

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