Video News Release / Africa going backwards on continent's biggest child killer (WaterAid) / New report release today

Video News Release / Africa going backwards on continent’s biggest child killer (WaterAid) / New report release today

LONDON, United-Kingdom, November 18, 2011/African Press Organization (APO)/ — A new report Off-track, off-target, released today by the international charity WaterAid (, shows that there are more people in the world today lacking adequate sanitation services than in 1990.  Unless urgent action is taken, nearly all governments in Sub-Saharan African will fail to meet the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) pledge they made to halve the proportion of people without sanitation by 2015.

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Video news release available here :

Off-track, off-target report available here :

Picture light-box and case studies available here:

The open letter from women economists can be found here:

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On the current trajectory, it will take over two centuries for Sub-Saharan Africa to meet its sanitation MDG target.  What is more, only 20 countries in the region are on track to meet the water MDG target by 2015.  All of this has massive consequences for child mortality in Africa.

Released a day before World Toilet Day, the report states that to get the sanitation and water MDGs back on track, countries in sub-Saharan Africa need to spend at least 3.5% of gross domestic product (GDP) on these services.  The report also calls on donor countries to double global aid flows to water, sanitation and hygiene by prioritising an additional US$10 billion per year.

The report also identifies that it is Africa’s poorest people who are being left behind; poor people in Africa are five times less likely to have access to adequate sanitation and over 15 times more likely to practise open defecation than Africa’s rich.  According to WaterAid, governments should tackle this inequity through better targeting of water and sanitation resources and services to the poor.

The WaterAid report highlights that the shortfall in water and sanitation services costs Sub-Saharan African countries around 5% of GDP each year ($47.7 billion in 2009), more than is provided in development aid to the entire continent ($47.6 billion in 2009).

In a coordinated move, an international group of 34 female economists have also written an open letter to the leaders of eleven donor and developing country governments, to draw attention to the international water and sanitation crisis.  In it they state:

On the day you read this letter, 4,000 more children under five will die due to diseases brought about through unsafe water and poor sanitation.  This equates to more child deaths than AIDS, malaria and measles combined, making it the biggest child killer in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Every $1 invested in water and sanitation generates on average an $8 return; making it the deal that will deliver for billions of the poorest people across the globe.

Barbara Frost, WaterAid’s Chief Executive, said:

“Governments in both donor and developing countries have it in their power to save hundreds of thousands of children’s lives every year by increasing what they spend on water and sanitation.  Investments in these basic services are engines of economic growth and prosperity in developing countries, but unless we grasp this opportunity we will be failing the millions of poor people whose health, livelihoods and opportunities suffer because they lack these essential services.”

The Off-track, off-target report is being published on the day WaterAid launches the Water Works campaign to urge governments across the world to do more to tackle the water and sanitation crisis. The campaign aims to show world leaders that taps and toilets are simple, effective and affordable, and that investing in these basic human needs is an urgent priority.

On World Toilet Day WaterAid will also join other members of the End Water Poverty campaign in 50 coordinated ‘Crisis Talk’ events in over 20 countries where local groups will be meeting with politicians to discuss the water and sanitation crisis.

In Tanzania, Crisis Talk events are being organised to coincide with the local government budgeting cycle; in the UK, WaterAid’s local supporter groups are meeting with their Members of Parliament; in Bangladesh regional events will be held where the public affected by poor water and sanitation provision will hold members of parliament to account.

Distributed by the African Press Organization for WaterAid.


For more information please contact Hratche Koundarjian on +44 (0)207 793 4909 / +44 (0)7905 911 039 or by email at WaterAid UK.

WaterAid’s vision is of a world where everyone has access to safe water and sanitation.  The international organisation works in 27 countries across Africa, Asia, the Pacific region and Central America to transform lives by improving access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation in some of the world’s poorest communities.  Over the past 30 years, WaterAid has reached 15.9 million people with safe water and, since 2004, 11 million people with sanitation.  For more information, visit, follow @wateraid (!/WaterAid) on Twitter or visit us on Facebook at

End Water Poverty is an international campaign to end the water and sanitation, with 190 member organisations around the world. Together, hundreds of thousands of ordinary people are calling on governments to take bold action to save lives.  For more information visit us here: and on twitter: @endwaterpoverty (!/EndWaterPoverty)

  • Globally there are more people today lacking adequate sanitation services than in 1990, and the MDG target is due to be missed by over a billion people.  884 million people in the world do not have access to safe water. This is roughly one in eight of the world’s population.  2.6 billion people in the world do not have access to adequate sanitation, this is almost two fifths of the world’s population.



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