UNAMID Extends Assistance to an Injured Local Civilian from Zalingei, East Darfur

EL FASHER (DARFUR), Sudan, June 5, 2015/African Press Organization (APO)/ — On 16 May 2015, a 60- year old local civilian from Zalingei, East Darfur, was caught up in a local altercation and sustained an injury from a stray bullet which lodged in the right side of his back.

Having received initial treatment at Zalingei Hospital, he was medically assessed and the doctors advised to have the bulletin extracted. Since that requires an advanced surgery, the patient needed to have the operation in Khartoum.

UNAMID’s Mission Support Division, after following appropriate procedures of the patient who was assessed to be fit to fly, approved his travel to Khartoum onboard a regular UNAMID flight on 4 June 2015. The patient landed in Khartoum airport yesterday afternoon and was immediately transferred to hospital for further treatment.

UNAMID’s Acting Joint Special Representative, Abiodun Bashua, expressed his sincere wish “for full and speedy recovery and a safe return of the patient to his family back in Zalingei.”

“UNAMID is committed to implementing its protection of civilians mandate within its capability and affirms its commitment to protect against and mitigate dangers which constitute an eminent threat to the vulnerable civilian populations of Darfur,” He added.

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