UNAMID disturbed over increased violence, mass displacement in Darfur

EL FASHER (DARFUR), Sudan, March 10, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) is deeply concerned over an outbreak of inter-communal violence in Saraf Omra, North Darfur, which has led to a mass displacement of civilians and a number of casualties over the course of the past few days.

Thousands of displaced from the town of Saraf Omra, which is located approximately 90 kilometres east of El Geneina, are currently seeking refuge in the vicinity of UNAMID’s base in the locality. The Mission is providing protection and water to those affected, as well as medical treatment for more than 30 wounded individuals. The Mission is working with the humanitarian community in taking the necessary steps to provide further much needed assistance.

Patrols by the Mission have observed looting around the town and the destruction of the local marketplace. Reconciliation efforts among the tribes have been taking place, however the situation remains tense and those displaced are in need of critical of food and proper sanitary conditions. UNAMID calls on all parties involved to cease hostilities and to find a peaceful solution to their differences.

The incident in Saraf Omra comes in the wake of other recent episodes of violence in Darfur, most notably in Taweisha and El Lait areas in North Darfur and in South Darfur where thousands were displaced following the looting and destruction of villages in the areas of Um Gunya and Hajeer.

UNAMID continues to call upon the authorities to allow the Mission unhindered and immediate access to these areas, so that it can carry out its core activity for the protection of civilians as mandated by the African Union and the United Nations and as consented to by the Government of Sudan.

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