UNAMID concerned over impact of fighting on civilian population in Darfur

EL FASHER (DARFUR), Sudan, January 22, 2015/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Following clashes between armed opposition groups and the Sudanese Armed Forces in the East Jebel Marra area and north of Kutum over the past few weeks, the African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) is concerned about the impact of the ongoing conflict on civilians. Newly displaced people arrived in several localities of North Darfur, mainly in Um Baru, Tawilla and Sortony as well as Nertiti in Central Darfur. UNAMID is working in coordination with the UN country team and other humanitarian actors to provide protection and assist in the distribution of urgent aid to the affected populations.

About 3,900 internally displaced persons (IDPs) have sought refuge in a safe zone adjacent to the Mission’s Um Baru Team Site in North Darfur. They reportedly fled the surrounding villages of Orchi, Abu Leha and Doldol. UNAMID is providing protection as well as temporary shelter, water and some medical assistance to the IDPs, while humanitarian actors have arrived on the ground and started distributing and providing additional assistance.

In Tawilla, where more than 5,700 newly displaced individuals have settled in Argo, Dali and Rwanda IDP camps, UNAMID peacekeepers intensified their patrols around the camp and are coordinating with humanitarian agencies which are providing assistance to those in need. The Mission also assisted some displaced people to retrieve their property from Konjara village which they have since vacated.

At midnight on 20 January, 150 civilians mostly women and children from Tui and Korambi villages arrived at Sortoni, North Darfur, and sought refuge in an area about 500 meters from the Mission’s Team Site fearing Government of Sudan forces’ alleged plan to attack their villages. Peacekeepers provided the newly displaced people with tents and water and the Mission is liaising with the UN country team for appropriate humanitarian support. The majority of the newly displaced returned to their villages on 21 January. The Mission continues monitoring the situation.

The Mission has not been able to assess the actual impact of the fighting on the affected villages where the newly displaced were coming from due to access restrictions.

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