UN Special Representative welcomes start of the second phase of state formation process in Adaado for new interim central regions administration

MOGADISHU, Somalia, June 3, 2015/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia (SRSG), Nicholas Kay, has welcomed the opening of the second phase of the process to form a new interim administration in Somalia’s central regions. The delegates’ conference to select an interim regional assembly and ratify its regional charter was launched in Adaado on 31 May by Prime Minister Omar Abdi Rashid Ali Sharmake.

SRSG Kay welcomed the constructive manner in which the people of the central regions have engaged in the process and commended their dedication and commitment to peace and stability.

“I hope the effort and commitment of all delegates will lead to a successful outcome of the conference in Adaado. I urge the people of the central regions to build their new administration with respect for the principles of reconciliation, consensus, and inclusivity, particularly for women, young people and minority communities.” said SRSG Kay.

The agreement on the central regions was signed in Mogadishu on 30 July 2014, with all parties committing themselves to form an inclusive administration. Since then, the communities of the central regions have worked towards reconciliation and the political process of establishing an interim administration.

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