UN Security Council Somalia press statement for 13 December



UN Security Council Somalia press statement for 13 December


NEW YORK, December 14, 2011/African Press Organization (APO)/ — On Tuesday 13 December, the members of the Security Council heard a briefing from Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on the situation in Somalia.


The members of the Security Council welcomed the landmark 9 December visit of the Secretary General to Mogadishu and his announcement that the UN Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) will relocate to Mogadishu in January 2012.


The members of the Security Council underlined the seriousness of the political, security and humanitarian problems in Somalia, whose consequences include terrorism, piracy and hostage-taking. They stressed the need for a comprehensive strategy to address these problems and to encourage the establishment of peace and stability in Somalia through collaborative efforts of all stakeholders. In this context, they reiterated their full support to the efforts of the Secretary General and his Special Representative Augustine P. Mahiga and their work with the African Union (AU), international and regional partners to address these challenges, including through the upcoming London Conference.


The members of the Security Council supported the Secretary General’s call for faster implementation of the Roadmap of key tasks and priorities to be completed by the Transitional Federal Institutions (TFIs) by August 2012, while recognizing the need for international support to this end. They noted that future support to the TFIs will be contingent on completion of these tasks and also noted the Secretary General’s view that further extension of the Roadmap would be untenable.


The members of the Security Council commended the efforts of the AU Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and Somali Security Forces and recognised the significant sacrifices that these forces have made.


The members of the Security Council reiterated their grave concern at the famine affecting Somalia and, welcoming international efforts so far and thanking humanitarian workers for their tireless efforts, urged Member States to contribute to the United Nations consolidated appeal for Somalia. The members of the Security Council urged all parties and armed groups to ensure full, safe and unhindered access for the timely delivery of humanitarian aid, and to take appropriate steps to ensure the safety and security of humanitarian personnel and supplies.


The members of the Security Council will keep the situation in Somalia and the issues raised by the Secretary General in his report under close review.




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