UN Security Council Mission Discusses Regional, Global Issues at Arab League, Egyptian Foreign Ministry

Representatives of the 15 Member States of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) today held an unprecedented consultative meeting with delegations of Member States of the League of Arab States (LAS) where they discussed developments of the Palestinian issue, the Middle East peace process, updates on the situation in both Libya and Somalia, as well as challenges of the surging numbers of refugees, displaced persons and illegal immigrants.

The UNSC mission, led by the representative of Egypt to the UN and current President of the UNSC Ambassador Amr Abul Atta, arrived in Cairo from the Kenyan Capital Nairobi after a quick visit to Somalia to discuss preparations for elections there in August and lend support to the process.

After a meeting with LAS Secretary General Dr. Nabil El Araby, the joint consultative meeting between delegations of the two entities was held under the co-chairmanship of Egypt as President of UNSC and Bahrain, which chairs the current LAS session. The meeting opened with a keynote address in which El Araby stressed the importance of enhancing cooperation and coordination between the world organization and LAS on various issues, particularly those relating to international peace and security, and stability in the Arab region and around the world. Many representatives from both sides urged that such consultative meetings become regular, with some diplomats calling for converting them into a fixed mechanism between the two organizations.

The LAS chief also stressed the need to reconsider the way the UN Security Council operates in order to become better able to shoulder responsibilities entrusted to it in dealing with crises that threaten international peace and security and resolving disputes by peaceful means. He pointed out the significant role played by regional organizations in this regard, which he said was also underlined in the charters of both the UN and LAS.

Following the League’s meeting, the Security Council mission went to meet Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and some of his top aides. Their talks revolved around the Palestinian issue, developments in both Libya and Somalia, and the conflict in Syria.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of United Nations (UN).

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