UK FCO Minister condemns fighting and kidnappings by rebels in Mali

LONDON, United-Kingdom, May 20, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — FCO Minister Mark Simmonds condemns fighting in Mali, calls for peace talks to begin immediately and urges the release of all hostages.

FCO Minister for Africa, Mark Simmonds, said;

“I strongly condemn the attacks that took place in Kidal on Saturday that led to numerous fatalities, including civilians, and the taking of hostages. These deplorable acts threaten the fragile peace in Mali and undermine efforts towards reconciliation, stability and development to a country deeply scarred by conflict. I urge hostage-takers to immediately release all hostages unhurt.

“I call on all parties to show restraint and renew efforts to negotiate a sustainable, inclusive peace agreement. The UK will continue to work with its international partners to help bring an end to this crisis and support Mali’s long-term development.”

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