Tunisia: TuNur solar energy exports project grows

The company developing solar projects “Nur Energy Ltd.,” announced Tuesday, the acceptance of technical terms for linking its Tunisian solar energy exportation project “TuNur” to the Italian power network.

Under the offer, Italian High Voltage Electricity Transmission Grid, Terna, has developed a preliminary technical solution to connect up to 2000 MW of solar energy produced in the Tunisian desert to the Italian network, with enough transportation infrastructure to European neighbor countries.

Kevin Sara, CEO of Nur Energy said it is an “excellent basis to further advance in our discussions with European power consumers and electricity companies for the purchase of solar electricity of North Africa. With Germany and Switzerland accelerating dismantling nuclear power plants, a stable and predictable supply from solar power plants in Tunisia offers meaningful and real alternative to fill this void in 2020, and at costs that are already competitive.”

Based on the offer of Terna, Nur Energy will now speed up planning the cable interconnection across the Mediterranean, which involves placing a high voltage direct cable (HVDC) to transport electricity From Tunisia directly to European markets.

Till Stenzel, Director of Operations at Nur Energy emphasized, for his part, that “the recent G8 summit had underlined the commitment of largest economies in the world to support emerging democracies in North Africa.”

TuNur is a specific investment project that will help Tunisia to diversify its economy, which mobilizes significant foreign investment to create jobs in the country. ”


Source: africanmanager.com

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