The United Nations welcomes the signing in Brazzaville of a commitment to peace in the Central African Republic

BRAZZAVILLE, Republic of the Congo, July 25, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Mr. Abdoulaye Bathily and Lt-General (rtd) Babacar Gaye, Special Representatives of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, respectively for the Central African Region and for the Central African Republic, participated in the Forum on the inter-Central African National Reconciliation held in Brazzaville between 21 and 23 July. They both welcomed the signing, today, by the Central African parties of the Agreement on the cessation of hostilities and violence. This agreement comes a few weeks before the deployment of the UN Peacekeeping Force in the CAR.

The United Nations officials also expressed satisfaction that the Central Africans respected their commitment made in Brazzaville to “approach with serenity issues that are likely to enable the finding of lasting solutions to the recurring crisis” in their country, as stated in the Code of conduct adopted at the opening of the Forum. In this spirit, the next steps of this process launched in Brazzaville will be conducted in the Central African Republic. These are popular consultations at the local level, and a forum of national reconciliation and reconstruction in Bangui.

“The success of the Brazzaville Forum”, stated the Special Representative and Head of MINUSCA, General Babacar Gaye, “echoes the remarkable commitment of the Mediator, President Denis Sassou N’Guesso, and the tireless efforts of Abdoulaye Maiga Bathily and Soumeylou Boubèye Maïga, respectively the United Nations and African Union representatives in the International Mediation”.

“We still have a long road ahead of us; I am however convinced that the spirit that prevailed during this forum which helped to make significant progress, will lead us towards the end of the road” said the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNOCA, Abdoulaye Bathily. He also reaffirmed the commitment of the UN Secretary-General to monitor and support the process.

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