"The skin between us" presented in Rome

Kym Ragusa’s latest book will be presented tomorrow in Rome, (libreria Giufà via degli Aurunci, 38).

“Interesting, but without much of a plot” said reviewer Pleureur on Amazon.com.

Lynee Gore, another user on Amazon.com, wrote: “Kym Ragusa has written a book that is destined to join not only the cannon of multicultural narrative, but that rare class of books that allows us to see ourselves as a reflection of one another”.

“The skin between us: “a memoir of race, beauty, and belonging” is a story of two families in the USA: one Afro-American, one Italian American.

Both cultures are always in conflict between each other. Both are outside mainstream culture. The two communities will never meet although they live close to each other.

Nevertheless there’s someone who is able to overcome all dividing walls and prejudices with a very wide curiosity.

Kym Ragusa is a writer and director.  She was born in 1966 and, as a writer, she won important awards like the Ida and Daniel Lang Award for Excellence in the Humanities.

The book will be presented in Rome by Caterina Romeo, Gabriella Romani and Igiaba Scego.

For more informations, libreria Giufà e Amazon.com

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