The President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union deeply concerned by the violence in Egypt



The President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union deeply concerned by the violence in Egypt


GENEVA, Switzerland, November 24, 2011/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The President of the IPU, Mr. Abdelwahad Radi, today expressed his deep concern at the continuing violence in Egypt, particularly in Cairo. He deplored the loss of life and the many injuries.

The President called on the transitional authorities to guarantee the protection of human rights and civil liberties for all Egyptians, including the right to peaceful protest.

The IPU President stressed the need for political dialogue to resolve the current impasse. He called for an orderly transition towards democracy based on the transfer of power to a civilian government through free and fair parliamentary and presidential elections.



Established in 1889 and with its Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, the IPU – the oldest multilateral political organization – currently brings together 159 affiliated national parliaments and nine regional assemblies as Associate Members. The world organization of parliaments has an Office in New York, which acts as its Permanent Observer to the United Nations.



Inter-Parlementary Union (IPU)

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