The man from Istanbul: Erdogan in Cairo

And the man from Istanbul came to visit Cairo for the first time since the revolution of January 25 and ousting of Mubarak. Turkey has been in the minds of the Egyptians for months now especially with the talk of Turkish scenario , the admiration of the Islamists with the AKP’s experience and last but not least the Turkish reaction from Mavi Marama.

Erdogan is now the hero of the Egyptian street especially we are suffering now with the absence of national hero in Egypt , for 30 years we were ruled by a man with no popularity or charisma unlike Nasser or Sadat. Call them fools ,idiots .. whatever but Erdogan is popular in the Egyptian street and it has nothing to do with the Islamists more than his position from Israel and the change in Turkey’s position under the AKP.

Again before you mock the Egyptian street or disrespect it remember that this is the street that brought down Mubarak and that is not fully represented on twitter.

Some Egyptian tweeps brought up the Kurdish issue and the on going war between the PKK and the Turkish army. The Kurdish issue is very critical and bigger than to speak about Turkey because we are speaking here about Syria , Turkey, Iran and Iraq along with ethnic issues and international political powers game using the issue whenever it wants. According to what I know the AKP government began to give the Kurds some of their rights gradually after years of marginalization and prosecution by the different Turkish governments including the leftist governments.

Egypt , the real strong Egypt we want to have in the future can help the Kurds using its soft delicate policies to put an end for this agony as well as to put an end the neocon’s plans once and for all. The Kurds are part of history as well as our Arab society and you can ask Saladin about it.

We need a strategic ally in the region that is not Israel nor the Gulf states that still can’t stomach the revolution and honestly I can’t trust Iran with the current regime there. May be because I followed the Turkish scene for long , I believe we have a good opportunity here to put the foundation for something strong in the future that would compensate the absence of Syria and Saudi Arabia “The strong Arab triangle”

Today was the second day in Erdogan’s visit to Egypt and it was a busy , really busy day for him in the big old city. The man gave 3 speeches today including a full hour in the opera house , at a press conference with prime minister Sharaf and at the League of Arab states where he was honored. Erdogan visited El Azhar and with its grand Sheikh along the Mufti of Egypt. He paid his respect and visited the Tomb of unknown soldiers and the tomb of president Mohamed Anwar El Sadat where he put wreathes of red flowers on each tomb. He was accompanied by Lt.General El Rowani. It is for sure a direct message to Israel when I look to it.

Needless to say he visited Tantawy and SCAF at the ministry of Defense HQ. Hopefully among the deals he came to market in Cairo couple of military strategic deals including arms deals. “yeah I am saying it frankly”.

After his speech in the opera house , he had a dinner with Egyptian and Turkish businessmen.

Erdogan came by the way his Turkish special forces unit to protect him , well our 777 units were busy in protecting the ousted president and the rest of his gang at Police academy. He also came with 200 businessmen with the hope to increase the Turkish investments in the country to $5 billion.

Now the Islamists in Cairo are split over Erdogan despite their hot warm with banners and T-shirts , they are shocked on how Erdogan defended the Turkish secularism in his interview with Mona El Shazly wishing that Egypt would adopt Secularism like Turkey. Now the Muslim brotherhood’s FJ party spokesperson Mahmoud Ghazlen says that Erdogan , the new Ottoman is meddling in our international issues !!

Tomorrow Erdogan will meet with presidential candidates ElBaradei and Abdel Manam ABu El Fatouh along with members of Muslim brotherhood.




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