The Chairperson of the African Union Commission welcomes the announcement of the preliminary results of the second round of presidential elections in the CAR

The Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union (AU) welcomes the conduct, in peaceful conditions, of the second round of the presidential election, on 14 February 2016, in the Central African Republic (CAR).

In this regard, she pays tribute to the Government of the Transition and the people of the Central African Republic for the smooth conduct of this historic election, particularly for the political maturity and patriotism they showed throughout the electoral process.

She looks forward to the publication of the final results of the election by the Constitutional Court of the Transition. She congratulates Mr. Faustin Archange Touadéra, whom the provisional results, as announced by the National Elections Agency (NEA), put in the lead in the second round of the presidential election.

The Chairperson also congratulates Mr. Anicet Georges Dologuélé on his excellent participation in the electoral race and especially on the political maturity and the love for his country, which he demonstrated in his conceding speech, which significantly contributes to strengthen the process of building peace and stability in the country.

She also pays tribute to all the other election candidates for exhibiting restraint and a sense of responsibility and urges them to continue to promote, including by scrupulously honouring the commitments they made, within the framework of the Code of Good Conduct of Political Parties and Candidates, signed on 9 and 12 December 2015.

The Chairperson pays tribute to all the Central African actors and the international community, particularly the United Nations, through MINUSMA, and the French force Sangaris, for their decisive role in ensuring the successful organisation of the polls.

She reiterates the commitment of the AU to pursue its efforts in accompanying the CAR authorities in the process of full restoration of normal constitutional order, as well as in the consolidation of peace, security and stability in the CAR.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of African Union Commission (AUC).

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Source: Apo-Opa

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