The 7th AU Gender Pre-Summit meeting

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, January 16, 2013/African Press Organization (APO)/ — INVITATION TO THE MEDIA

When: 17th -18th January 2013

Where: African Union Headquarter, New Conference Complex,

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Who: The Women, Gender and Development Directorate

Time: 10:00 AM

Expected outcomes:

– An in-depth discussion of the important role that women and youth play in contributing to Pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance.

– Possible mechanisms for promoting women and youth as legitimate partners in Pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance will be explored

– Theme 10 of AWD will be popularized among delegates and participants

– Better understanding of Pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance by participants will be ensured

– Networking, coalition-building and experience-sharing on Pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance will be fostered


– The Gender Pre-Summit will explore the place of gender within the discourse of the African Renaissance

-The Pre-Summit will make recommendations on how women and youth can make meaningful contributions to an African Renaissance


The Pre-Summit will bring together Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Representatives of youth, Representatives ofthe Regional Economic Communities (RECs), Researchers, Academics, and Development Partners.

The draft programme of the meeting is attached.

Journalists are invited to cover the 7th AU Gender Pre-summit meeting from 17th-18th January 2013 from 10:00 AM at the AU Commission.

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