Convoy near Kadhafi hometown under fire

A convoy of forces loyal to Libya’s new rulers came under heavy fire Thursday as they advanced on Moamer Kadhafi’s hometown of Sirte in a bid to take one of his final pockets of resistance.

Niger Gaddafi loyalists vow support

Tens of thousands of Tuaregs pastoralists living in the Nigerien city of Agadez continue to support Muammar al Gaddafi, the deposed Libyan leader.

Saadi Gaddafi transferred to Niger's capital

Al Jazeera’s Yvonne Ndege reports from Agadez in Niger where a military aircraft has landed to transfer Muammar Gaddafi’s third son, Saadi, to the capital, Niamey.

European soldiers murder Libyans – US congressman

Former U.S. Congressman Walter Fauntroy Returns From Libya, Says He Watched European Soldiers Murder Libyans.

NATO troops beheaded Libyans – former congressman

What follow is a video on YouTube with links to sources about “A Former Congressman coming out saying that he saw NATO troops beheading Libyans”.

Gaddafi will 'liberate all of Libya' says spokesman

Gaddafi spokesman Moussa Ibrahim says that the deposed leader is ‘gathering his forces’ and intends to retake the country.

Libyan revolutionary leader calls for 'unity'

Mustafa Abdul-Jalil tells a crowd of thousands gathered in Tripoli’s Martyr’s Square not to indulge in ‘recrimination’ against the old regime.

Problems for Libya and Abdul-Jalil

Libya’s transitional leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil got a warm reception in Tripoli when he called for unity Monday.

US Boots on the Ground in Libya Sharp splits are already emerging in the ranks of Libya’s new rulers between Islamic conservatives and more secular figures competing for power even as the leadership begins to settle in Tripoli and start creating a post-Moammar Gadhafi government.

'Gaddafi sniper', Russian cooks locked up by Libya rebels

In Libya, rebels are detaining oil engineers and cooks from former Soviet countries – suspecting them of being pro-Gaddafi snipers.