Gaddafi spokesman says "mercenaries" captured

A spokesman for the former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi says they have captured French, British, and Qatari nationals.

Libya: disputes inside the CNT

This phone call is a dispute between a Misurati rebel leader and the NTC’s Military spokesman, Colonel Ahmed Bani, showing numerous rebel’s lies & hypocrisy.

Libya's controversial rising star

In Libya, new figures are emerging in political and military circles during this transitional period; some even command wide appeal.

Turkey PM hails 'sacrifice' of Libyan people

Turkey’s prime minister has visited Libya in the latest leg of his North Africa tour, a day after French and British leaders won a hero’s welcome there for helping to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi.

Latest Libyan News – Will A Civil War Start Now?

This is a video by a YouTube user about a Libyan studying in London reporting on a story from his friend about the battle in Sirte and the situation in Libya.

LIbyan rebels come under sniper fire in Bani Walid

Libyan revolutionary forces face fierce resistance as they stream into Bani Walid, one of the remaining bastions of support for deposed leader Colonel Muammar Gadhafi.

Sirte military offensive

CNN’s Phil Black reports on the rebel offensive onto Sirte, Libya.

Libya's black migrants on AlJazeera

Libya’s black migrants face violence because of their skin colour.

Gaddafi ask the UN to stop the massacre in Sirte

What follows is a video published on YouTube about the message that Gaddafi has sent to the UN Security Council describing what is happening in Sirte and asking to stop the bombing.

'We'll keep bombing': Cameron & Sarkozy in Libya

British Prime Minister David Cameron has promised more financial aid to Libya’s new rulers on a visit to Tripoli.