Nile dam: “the only solution is negotiation”

Interview with minister counsellor of Ethiopia at the Embassy of Ethiopia in Rome, Italy. Part 1 of 2. Part 2 of 2    

Sudan drops capital charge against prisoner of conscience

LONDON, United-Kingdom, January 15, 2013/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Sudanese teacher and activist Jalila Khamis Koko will no longer face the death penalty after some of the charges against her were dropped yesterday.

The Khartoum North Criminal Court dropped the capital charges because it found that state witnesses failed to provide adequate evidence. Khamis Koko still faces two other charges that carry a maximum sentence of two years imprisonment and a fine.

“It is a relief that this fabricated charge has been dropped by the Sudanese justice system and that Jalila’s life is no longer on the line,” said Audrey Gaughran, Amnesty International’s Africa program director.

“However, the fight is not yet over. After nine months Jalila is still in detention and her health is deteriorating. All remaining charges must be dropped and Jalila released immediately and unconditionally.”

Khamis Koko’s next court appearance is scheduled for 17 January.

Sudan: What does independence mean for North and South?

Focus on Sudan: What does independence mean for North and South? Date: 13th July, 7pm Venue: Frontline Club, 13 Norfolk Place, London W2 1QJ Salva Kir is to lead South Sudan into independence on the 9 July after a landslide referendum earlier this year where 99% of the South voted to secede from the North. […]

Sudan seen massing troops in oil state, UN blocked

KHARTOUM, July 6 – North Sudan has massed what looks like a large convoy of troops in its Southern Kordofan oil state, the site of clashes that have threatened the peaceful secession of the south, a satellite monitoring group said on Wednesday.

‘Referendum is chance for independence’ – Sudan

Since January 9th, 2011 South Sudanese people have been voting for or against Independence. By mid February we should know if the largest African nation will remain a unified country or split into two sovereign nations. The January 9th 2011 referendum is part of the 2005 peace agreement between the Khartoum central government and the Sudan People’s Liberation Army/Movement, which brought to an end over two decades of civil war.

Sudan wasn't ready for elections – Motlanthe

Image via Wikipedia Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe has lamented the kidnapping of four South African peacekeepers in the volatile Sudan, saying the country’s instability is of great concern. Motlanthe, on a visit to Tunisia this week, also said last week’s elections in Sudan had taken place at an “inopportune” time – conditions on the ground […]

Sudan signs accord with Darfur rebels

Sudan and Darfur’s most powerful rebel group will tomorrow ratify an agreement reached after an easing of tension between Sudan and Chad. The rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) said on Saturday that the framework agreement reached in the Chadian capital N’Djamena last week was not a final peace deal but set out the terms […]


Full Name Republic of Sudan Capital Khartoum Form of Government Republic Date of Independence 1 January, 1956 Date of Entry into the UN Total Area 2,505,813 km2 (10th)967,495 sq mi Total Population (2007 estimate) 39,379,358 (33rd) Time Zone East Africa Time (UTC+3) Currency Sudanese Pound GDP (Nominal, 2007 estimate) $46.228 billion GDP Per Capita $1,244 […]