Diski dancers fly off to Vietnam to show off their moves

Joburg’s young Diski dancing experts are in Vietnam this week to show off South African spirit and culture ahead of the World Cup. The 14 young dancers and a choreographer will perform the Diski dance and other traditional and modern dances in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi for Freedom Day celebrations this week. After […]

South African police stage mock World Cup crowd control exercise

The South African police staged a mock crowd control exercise, demonstrating the skills learnt from the French Gendarmerie ahead of the FIFA World Cup in June. The exercise was focused on testing the police readiness to face violent and unruly football hooligans, who are likely to descend on the country to watch the games — […]

Airports ready for World Cup influx

There will be an extra 120 000 flights over the World Cup period, the Airports Company said yesterday.  At a briefing on the airports’ preparedness for the tournament, Acsa group manager of operations Andre Vermeulen said there had been an increase in the number of requests for more slots in June and July from commercial […]

40 000 new prostitutes for Cup

About 40 000 women are expected to arrive in South Africa ahead of the FIFA World Cup to work as prostitutes, the Central Drug Authority said on Thursday. CDA deputy chair David Bayever said: “Forty thousand new prostitutes. As if we do not have enough people of our own, we have to import them to […]

S.Africa 'more than ready' for World Cup – Zuma

Smiling and at ease, South African President Jacob Zuma told reporters at Wembley Stadium on Thursday that his country was “ready, if not more than ready” to host the first World Cup on African soil. On his first state visit to the United Kingdom, Zuma took time away from his official duties to visit the […]

Command centre to co-ordinate World Cup traffic

The Department of Transport is to launch a “command centre” that will co-ordinate the transport plans for the nine host cities of the Soccer World Cup. The command and call centre would serve as a central hub of co- ordination for transport operations, information management and risk assessment throughout SA during the World Cup. Host […]

Work the Cup to the fullest

South Africans are likely to be drunk and disorderly during the World Cup – and employers are warned to prepare themselves for it. The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration said it had set up special units in all major host cities to arbitrate because there was an expectation that industrial action and cases between […]


South Africa will leave a legacy for Africa when it hosts the 2010 Soccer World Cup, President Jacob Zuma said on Friday. “I think from now onwards when people speak, we will say before 2010 and after 2010,” President Zuma said at the draw for the tournament at the Cape Town Convention Centre. “It is […]