'Gaddafi sniper', Russian cooks locked up by Libya rebels

In Libya, rebels are detaining oil engineers and cooks from former Soviet countries – suspecting them of being pro-Gaddafi snipers.

Rebels put $2M bounty on Qaddafi's head

Rebel forces in Libya have put a $2 million bounty on the head of Muammar Qaddafi. Barry Petersen reports on the latest of the continuing conflict in Libya.

'Rebels fed up with West troops, want Libya back'

Libya’s rebel forces celebrate storming Colonel Gaddafi’s compound in Tripoli and once again claim to have control of the city.

Libya: Moussa Ibrahim about capture of weapons

In this video, Moussa Ibrahim speaks about allegedly two vessels full of US weapons for the rebels in Libya. The YouTube user who published this video writes: “The men on the captured boat told the Libyans that NATO was facilitating these weapons on the sea to Benghazi. Western journalists were there – but nothing seems […]

Libya: rebels are power-hungry terrorists-refugees

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQnrV4xhtaY Video report by Russia Today about what Libyan refugees say about the rebels fighting Gaddafi’s regime.

Libya: latest updates

Latest updates from Libya.