The Nigerian elites and the Niger delta

THE NIGERIAN RULING ELITES AND THE MUTILATION OF THE NIGER DELTA “UNEP believes that oil contamination in Ogoniland has created an environmental crisis of unprecedented proportions,” Joseph Alcamo the chief scientist of UN Environment Programme, told journalists in London at the weekend.

The Future Land and the Niger delta

In the just concluded Terra Futura (Future Land), an international exhibition held (May 20 – 22, 2011) in Florence, Italy within the scope of Renewable Energy, Environmental Protection, Human Rights and a Peaceful Coexistence, different talks and proposals were in abundance.

Niger Delta under colonial rule, says former U.S. ambassador

NIGER Delta is under colonial rule and its people are being subjected to suffering by both the Federal Government and the oil companies operating in the area, former United States Ambassador to Nigeria, John Campbell, has said.