Kenya to be first in Africa with solar power farm

Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (Kari) is looking to create a solar-powered facility that aims to have the first “green” farm in Africa using renewable energy.

Kenya: HSBC will open liaison office

NAIROBI (Reuters) – Kenya has licensed HSBC Limited to open a representative office for marketing and liaison purposes in the country, the east African nation’s central bank said on Thursday. Foreign banks have been queuing to set up operations in the region’s biggest economy, drawn in by robust economic expansion and the country’s status as […]


Ads by travel agency for next summer destinations.

Comparing development

This little list just show how different development is between Kenya and the UK.

Abortion and the Human Rights of Rapists

Image via Wikipedia By Katy Fentress, Freelance journalist Kenyans continue to debate the issue of abortion and how it should be defined in the constitution, after a revised draft of the document was announced last Friday. A person’s right to life begins at the moment they are conceived, states the new version of the constitution. […]


Full Name Republic of Kenya Capital Nairobi Form of Government Semi-Presidential Republic Date of Independence 12 December, 1963 Date of Entry into the UN Total Area 580,367 km2 (47th)224,080 sq mi Total Population (2008 estimate) 37,953,840 (36th) Time Zone EAT (UTC+3) Currency Kenyan Shilling GDP (nominal, 2007 estimate) $27.026 billion GDP Per Capita $779 Human […]


The win in the primaries by the US democratic presidential candidate Barrack Obama has sent Kenya – his roots – in celebrity mood.