Kenyan government steps in to rescue shilling

NAIROBI, Sept 29 – Kenya formed a team of key officials on Thursday to halt the slide in the shilling and will unveil new measures early next week, the latest move to try and restore confidence in the east African country’s ailing currency.

Kenyan Markets with Samora Kariuki

ABN’s Samantha Loring speaks Samora Kariuki, Research Analyst, NIC Securities, looking at: Kenya MPC raising rates by 75bpts; Local borrowing costs; Conflict among CMC Holdings board members; Uchumi aggressive expansion plans.

Kenya leaves rates on hold, shilling falls

NAIROBI, July 27 – Kenya’s central bank surprised markets by leaving its benchmark interest rate unchanged at 6.25 percent on Wednesday, confounding analysts and putting the shilling under pressure.

Kenya: HSBC will open liaison office

NAIROBI (Reuters) – Kenya has licensed HSBC Limited to open a representative office for marketing and liaison purposes in the country, the east African nation’s central bank said on Thursday. Foreign banks have been queuing to set up operations in the region’s biggest economy, drawn in by robust economic expansion and the country’s status as […]