Rebel fighters make ground in western Libya

Three weeks ago anti-Gaddafi fighters dropped down from the Nafusa mountains in western Libya pushing back Gaddafi fighters from the plains below.

Libyan rebels push on to Zlitan, deny talks

At least 3000 people turned out in Tripoli on Friday to condemn the NATO airstrikes on the city and show their support for their leader, Muammar Gaddafi. He again said he would remain in Libya, and face death if necessary.

"Gaddafi must go" – Obama-Sarkozy speech at G8

G8 de Deauville : N.Sarkozy et B.Obama di elysee In this video, the presidents of France and of the Usa have said that Libyan dictator, col. gaddafi, must go.

Libya: Gaddafi and the ceasefire-video reports

Video reports about the news of Gaddafi accepting the African Union roadmap and the ceasefire.

Libya: Gaddafi accept ceasefire-RT video report

Video report from Russia Television RT about the news of Gaddafi accepting the road map of the African Union and the ceasefire.

Gaddafi has accepted ceasefire-South Africa

A delegation of African leaders said Sunday that their Libyan counterpart Moammar Gadhafi accepted their “road map” for a cease-fire with rebels, whom they will meet with Monday. They met hours after NATO airstrikes battered Gadhafi’s tanks, helping Libyan rebels push back government troops that had been advancing quickly toward the opposition’s eastern stronghold.

Obama asks Gaddafi and Gbagbo to step down

United States President, Barack Obama, Saturday said intense pressure was being mounted on embattled Libyan leader, Col. Moammar Gaddafi, to toe the path of honour to cede power to his people.

Gaddafi and me: ITV documentary tonight

ITV Tonight follow Libyan Mohammad Makhlouf, film maker and exiled dissident as he returns home for the first time since 1975.

Libya: report from Misratah

Report from a correspondent in Misratah. Loyal forces to Gaddafi have attacked today the city from East, West and South, reporter Mawan Al Misrati from Misratah said.

'Hell' awaits anyone who attacks Libya

Muammar Gaddafi has threatened to turn into “hell” the lives of anyone who attacks Libya in line with a UN Security Council resolution passed overnight.