Gaddafi tanks in the hand of Libyan fighters

A base south of Tarhouna that was under the command of Gaddafi’s son Khamis, is now in the hands of Libyan fighters who are preparing an offensive on Bani Walid.

Gaddafi and Libya's tribes

Will Libya’s tribes heed Gaddafi’s call to fight on?

Libyans mark first Eid without Kadhafi

Tens of thousands of Libyans gathered Wednesday to mark the Muslim Eid al-Fitr feast, kneeling in prayer at Tripoli’s landmark Martyrs’ Square as they rejoiced in the collapse of Moamer Kadhafi’s rule.

Hunt for Gaddhafi intensifies battles in Tripoli Hunt for Gaddhafi Intensifies, New Battles Rage in Tripoli.

Jacky Rowland reports on developments in Libya

Muammar Gaddafi’s last stronghold is under fire in Tripoli. Rebel fighters have taken over parts of the Libyan leader’s iconic compound.

Some informations about Gaddafi – video doc This is a video documentary about who is Muammar Gaddafi and what he did before the invasion of Libya by western powers under Nato.

Gaddafi gold-for-oil, dollar-doom plans behind Libya 'mission' This video report by RT correspondent in London says that behind the war in libya there could be the plan of Mr Gaddafi to launch a single African currency linked to gold and not to any currency like the US dollar. Something that Camerounian professor, Jean-Paul Pougala, wrote here on a few months […]

Libya: rebels tries to control Brega

Rebel forces fought with troops loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi for the third straight day in and around the key oil town of Brega on Sunday, as foreign air strikes continued to rain down on the regime’s soldiers.