Italy Must Confront Its Past to Stave Off the Far-Right

This year’s seasonal springtime rise in temperatures is expected to deepen Europe’s refugee crisis by bringing about a significant rise in the number of harried migrants approaching its shores. Italy, with its long and porous coastline, remains among the most severely affected countries; 15,000 people have sought refuge in the country in the past three […]

Declaration of the Mediterranean Group

Migration flows in the mediterranean: recent evolution and actions to take in the framework of the european union The tragic events that have recently taken place in the Mediterranean have, once again, put a spotlight on how irregular immigration is fraught with human drama.

Gas pipeline from Algeria to Spain switched on

The Mayor of Almería, Luis Rogelio Rodríguez Comendador, and government sub-delegate in Almeria, Andres Heras, yesterday opened the valve Medgaz connection with the Spanish gas system in a symbolic act that is part of the test sequence.