Nile dam: “the only solution is negotiation”

Interview with minister counsellor of Ethiopia at the Embassy of Ethiopia in Rome, Italy. Part 1 of 2. Part 2 of 2    

Egypt: government resigns – Sapa

Cairo – Egypt’s cabinet said on Monday it had resigned, as clashes raged for a third day in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, pitting police and soldiers against protesters demanding democratic change.

Youth movement says Mubarak interrogator not neutral

The April 6 Youth Movement on Sunday accused Mostafa Abul Yosr, who is interrogating Hosni Mubarak, of partiality.

Morocco: demonstrations pro and against the king

In cities across Morocco yesterday, thousands of people took part in rival demonstrations, for and against, proposed constitutional reforms by King Mohammed VI.

Egypt withdraws request for IMF, World Bank loans

Egypt has withdrawn its loan request to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, an adviser to Finance Minister Samir Radwan told AFP on Saturday.

Egypt: al-Orabi is new foreign minister

Egypt on Sunday appointed Mohammed al-Orabi the new foreign minister to replace Nabil al-Arabi who will head the Arab League, the official MENA news agency reported.

G8 announce aid package for Egypt and Tunisia

G8 announce aid package for Egypt and Tunisia di euronews-en The last day of the G8 summit saw confirmation that Egypt and Tunisia will receive aid worth more than 28 billion euros. French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced the package on Friday.

Egypt pound seen under pressure to weaken-analysis

ANALYSIS-Egypt pound seen under pressure to weaken

Photographer John Moore reflects on Libya battles

Photographer John Moore has been assigned to cover the uprising in the Middle East. Here he reflects on the revolution in Egypt, Bahrein and Libya.

Egypt: pro and anti Mubarak people clashes

Some clashes have just been seen between people pro and anti Mubarak in Alexandria.