Burkina Faso: revolution in pictures

Some photos of yesterday in Burkina Faso where people protested against the will of the president, Blaise Compaoré, to seek other terms in office. Anti-government protesters in Burkina Faso today set their National parliament ablaze following a decision by members of parliament to review the country’s constitution to allow President Blaise Compaore extend his 27-year […]

The Atelier – a Christmas Appeal for Gando, Burkina Faso

The founder of Schulbausteine für Gando e.V., Francis Kéré, had a simple goal: born in Gando, Burkina Faso, he wanted to build a school which would withstand the rain season and be well adapted to the climate and culture. Today, the aim of our projects is to provide education and localized needs in an underserved […]

Burkina Faso: Italian undersecreatry Boniver is back – Farnesina

Margherita Boniver concluded her mission to the capital of Burkina Faso this morning. During her stay in Ouagadougou, Minister Frattini’s Special Envoy for Humanitarian Emergencies met with President of the Parliamentary Assembly Foreign Minister, Bedouma Alain Yoda, and Head of State, Blaise Comaporé. The Burkina Faso authorities reiterated their assurances of commitment and proactive collaboration […]

Burkina Faso

Full Name Burkina Faso Capital Ouagadougou Form of Government Semi-Presidential Republic Date of Independence 5 August, 1960 Date of Entry into the UN Total Area 274,000 km2 (74th) 105,792 sq mi Total Population (2005 estimate) 13,228,000 (66th) Time Zone GMT Currency West African CFA Franc GDP (nominal, 2007 estimate) $6.751 billion GDP Per Capita $491 […]