Keeping Egypt Polio-Free

“This year marks the 10th anniversary since Egypt was declared free of polio,” said Dr. Anne Patterson, Deputy Mission Director for USAID in Egypt, as the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population launched the next round of Egypt’s National Polio Immunization Campaign.  The United States Government was proud to have supported Egypt’s campaign, which successfully […]

Revelations on Bolloré group’s investment in plantations in Africa

A new Greenpeace France investigations on Socfin, a company owned 38.75% by Bolloré group, has revealed the impact of the company’s plantations on forests, communities and wildlife in Africa; The report ‘Africa’s forests under threat’, shows that Socfin’s expansion plans in a dozen countries, mostly in Africa, are threatening forests that are essential for the preservation […]

Red Cross: Lack of funding means starving families across southern Africa will not get the life-saving support so urgently needed

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) today warned that a lack of funding means it is having to scale back activities to address the food insecurity situation facing millions of families across southern Africa. “We have the capacity, working together with National Red Cross Societies in Lesotho, Malawi, and Namibia, […]

Foreign Minister Steinmeier on the current situation in Libya

On 24 February, Foreign Minister Steinmeier issued the following statement on the current situation in Libya: Libya’s political development is at a crossroads. The government of national unity must now be endorsed by the parliament in Tobruk – that is one of the central elements of the peace agreement brokered by the United Nations which the parties […]

Remarks by HRVP Federica Mogherini at the press conference following her meeting with Mr Oldemiro Júlio Marques Baloi, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Mozambique:

Check against delivery The European Union is a longstanding partner of Mozambique in many different aspects, many of those were mentioned by the minister. Let me also say that Mozambique is perceived in the world and in Europe in particular as a success story of national reconciliation and engagement in a peace process and dialogue. […]

Bidco vs Uganda’s farmers – who do you believe?

The Bugala Farmers Association, which represents over 100 subsistence farmers fighting edible oil conglomerate Bidco’s land-grabbing, has dismissed the company’s attempts to portray its Ugandan palm oil business as “clean.” Following their recent petition to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to sever its ties to Bidco, the farmers say Bidco has sought to whitewash […]

Angry Uganda Oil Palm Farmers support Bidco

Farmers in Bugala Island in Kalangala District, Uganda are furious about allegations being made against the Oil Palm Project and Bidco the private investor in the project. The project is a People Public Private Partnership (4P) between the farmers, Government of Uganda and Oil Palm Uganda Limited a subsidiary of Bidco Uganda Ltd.  The Kalangala Oil Palm Growers Association […]

Didier Reynders meets with Angel Losada, EU Special Representative for the Sahel

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Didier Reynders met on February 24th the European Union Special Representative (EUSR) for the Sahel, Mr. Angel Losada, a few months after the latter took office.   The Minister exchanged with EUSR Angel Losada about the situation in the Sahel, a region with which Belgium has had […]

Readout of the Secretary-General’s meeting with H. E. Joseph Kabila, President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Secretary-General met today in Kinshasa with H.E President Joseph Kabila of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.   The Secretary-General encouraged the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to continue pursuing a strategic dialogue with MONUSCO, including developing jointly an exit strategy for the Mission. In this regard, he welcomed the announced […]

UN report documents litany of violations and abuses amid chaos in Libya

A UN report* published on Thursday has documented widespread violations and abuses committed in Libya since the beginning of 2014. The report recommends urgent measures to fight against impunity and to strengthen and reform the justice sector.   “Despite the human rights situation in Libya, the country only sporadically makes the headlines. A multitude of […]