The 577th meeting of the Peace and SecurityCouncil of the AU on early warning

The Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU), at its 577th meeting held on 23 February 2016, received from the Commission a briefing on early warning, including an update on the state of operationalization of the Continental Early Warning System (CEWS) and horizon scanning, as a follow-up to its communiqué PSC/PR/COMM.(CCCLX) on the Full Use […]

Benin makes the Declaration to allow NGOs and individuals to directly access the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights

The Republic of Benin becomes the eighth AU Member State to make the Declaration under Article 34 (6) of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights on the establishment of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Right to allow Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and individuals directly access the African Court on […]

Anzisha Prize for Africa’s youngest entrepreneurs increases award to $100,000 and adds $7,500 fellowship; 2016 applications and nominations now open

The 6th Anzisha Prize ( application phase is now open, and the search is on to find 12 of Africa’s youngest, most innovative social and business entrepreneurs under the age of 22. Organisers are calling for more nominations from the public this year to ensure they discover the very best talent on the continent. African […]

For families in Central African Republic, food situation dire

Three years of conflict and ongoing displacements in the Central African Republic (CAR) continue to disrupt agriculture and severely constrain people’s access to food, as they struggle with the effects of multiple poor harvests, disrupted markets and soaring prices for many staple foods, two UN agencies warned today. The country’s overall crop production in 2015 […]

IOM Uses New Technology to Respond to Increasing Food Insecurity in Puntland, Somalia

IOM is supporting the Puntland Ministry of Agriculture to introduce roll planter technology in the  Onqor area, south of Bossaso, with the intended goal of increasing food production among internally displaced persons (IDPs) and host community members and introduce more efficient farming techniques. The ground-breaking project, which was launched in November 2015, is the first […]

Mali Hosts Regional Border Management Workshop

Governments of the G5 Sahel group of countries and technical and financial partners have met in Bamako, Mali for the second regional border management meeting of the IOM project: “Coordinated border management in Mali, Niger, Mauritania and Burkina Faso” funded by the Government of Japan. The first meeting of the group took place in July […]

Resilience Building Project in Turkana, Kenya, Wraps Up

A USD 6.1 million, 3.5-year project implemented by IOM and five UN agencies, in partnership with the county government of Turkana, local NGOs and community leaders ended yesterday (29/2). It aimed to improve human security for thousands of vulnerable residents in Turkana County and its bordering communities in north-western Kenya. The six agencies – UNDP, […]

IOM Builds Vocational Skills in North Darfur, Sudan

Some 215 trainees, including 100 boys and 115 girls, have graduated from a 5-week IOM-sponsored program at Sudan’s El Fasher Technical Schools for Boys and Girls in North Darfur. The boys graduated in plumbing, welding, construction and auto-mechanics and the girls in tailoring, handicrafts, food processing and computer skills. Participants received start-up kits that will […]

IOM, Partners Discuss Irregular Migration with Ethiopian State Ministers

A high-level donor delegation visiting Horn of Africa of migration routes met with Ethiopian State Minister of Foreign Affairs Regassa Kefale and State Minister for the Ministry of Justice Mesfin Abebe. The delegates from North America, Europe and Asia – who were supported by IOM – noted Ethiopia’s achievements in development over the past decade. […]

“It's a Match!” Egyptian Clickfunding Campaign Goes Viral

“It’s a Match!,” a click-funding campaign promoting social cohesion among migrants and their host communities in Egypt initiated by IOM Egypt in partnership with award-winning innovators Bassita, has gone viral and reached its target in less than two weeks. The campaign’s video has been met with very positive reactions with more than 80,000 views on […]