Africa Oil & Power Names APO as Official Newswire

APO (, the sole press release newswire in Africa and the global leader in media relations relating to Africa, today announced it has been named as Official Newswire of the Africa Oil & Power (, Africa’s exclusive energy event, which takes place June 6-7, 2016, in Cape Town, South Africa. The event has confirmed an […]

African Union Collaborates with Partners to Develop a Roadmap for the Eradication of Rheumatic Heart Disease in Africa

The African Union Commission in collaboration with the Pan-African Society of Cardiology (PASCAR), WHO and other key partners concluded a three day meeting aimed at developing a roadmap for the eradication of Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) in Africa.  According to WHO, RHD is the most common cause of acquired heart disease among children in developing […]

Tianjin University hosts the 2016 training programme of education for AUC officials

In order to improve the educational and cultural understanding and exchanges between China and the African Union Commission, and also to implement the MoU signed by Tianjin University of Technology and Education (TUTE) and the African Union Commission (AUC) in December 2015, TUTE invites twenty (20) officials from AUC to attend the program in China. […]

Yahsat and IEC Telecom Group Enter MoU to Explore Further Opportunities in Africa

In anticipation of its new satellite launch, Yahsat to discuss potential strengthening of existing service partnership with IEC Telecom Group into additional markets Ka-band technology with coverage extending to 18 African countries; overall covering 26 markets in total UAE-based satellite operator Yahsat ( has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to explore the possibility of […]

Foreign Minister Steinmeier condemns attacks on the Tunisian Libyan border

Speaking on the fringes of his visit to the United Arab Emirates on 7 March, Federal Foreign Minister Steinmeier issued the following statement on the attacks on the Tunisian‑Libyan border by armed groups: We condemn the criminal attack on the Tunisian city of Ben Guerdane in the strongest possible terms. The attempt to destabilise Tunisia’s […]

The commissioner for political affairs met with the assistant secretary general for political affairs of the league of Arab states

H.E. Dr. Aisha Laraba Abdullahi, Commissioner for Political Affairs of the African Union Commission met with H.E. Dr. Fadel Mohammed Jewad, Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs of the League of Arab States, at the LAS Headquarters in Cairo, Egypt. The Meeting brought together from the General Secretariat of the LAS: Mr. Zaid Al-Sabban, Director […]

Egypt and WFP celebrate the first Africa day for school feeding

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt is collaborating with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Egypt to celebrate the First “Africa Day For School Feeding”, on Thursday 10 March 2016, with the support of Ministries of Education and Social Solidarity, and the participation of the Ministries of Agriculture […]

UN Special Envoy Djinnit reiterates support for Greater Civil Society role in the region

The Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for the Great Lakes Region, Said Djinnit, participated in the second General Assembly Meeting of the Regional Civil Society Forum of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The Forum comprises National Civil Society representatives elected in the ICGLR Countries with […]

The plight of the African coffee farmer; call for sustainable solutions

Africa has the greatest number of coffee producing countries, compared to other coffee-growing regions. Of the 56 coffee growing countries in the world, 25 are African. Those 25 countries are home to over 716 million people. This figure represents over half of the rural population of those 25 countries, and well over half of the […]

UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights issues findings on Namibia, Canada and Kenya

The UN Committee on the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has published its findings on the countries it examined during its 22 February – 4 March session in Geneva:  Namibia, Canada and Kenya.   The findings cover how the respective State is doing with regard to implementing the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural […]