AfDB meeting 2011: all photos

Here you find the links to all our photos album regarding the 2011 annual meeting of the African Development Bank, held in Lisbon, Portugal. Day 1, 6 June, SMEs forum by Afdb-Emrc

AfDB annual meeting 2011: summary and comments

This year’s annual meeting of African Development Bank (ADB) may not be remembered for the great decisions it has taken or for any other reason. Notwithstanding, the participation was huge in a demonstration of interest in what is going on in Africa.

AfDB meeting 2011: final press conference

Here we embed the videos about the latest press conference of the AfDB annual meeting 2011 held in Lisbon, Portugal. AfDB annual meeting – final press conference di afrikanews

Speech of Kaberuka, Afdb president-Lisbon 9-6-2011

AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK GROUP Donald Kaberuka President of the African Development Bank Group Opening Statement

AfDB annual meeting 2011 – Kaberuka speech

This is the speech by Donald Kaberuka, president of the African Development Bank for the opening of the 2011 annual meeting.