Statement by IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde Following a Meeting with President Alpha Condé of Guinea

CONAKRY, Guinea, October 13, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ -It is a great pleasure to welcome President Condé to the IMF.

Our discussion focused on how we can help Guinea respond to the devastating Ebola outbreak, a disease that poses a humanitarian and economic challenge to Guinea and its neighbors. Beyond the loss of life and social dislocation, it is threatening to reverse the advances made by these countries in recent years in economic development and poverty reduction. We all recognize that we have act decisively and urgently to stop this epidemic.

On behalf of the Fund, my main message today to President Condé and to the people of Guinea is that we stand with you in these times of trial. We have already provided $41 million to Guinea on an emergency basis. We are ready to do more if needed. And I appreciate all that President Condé is doing for his country and people.

We will continue to stand by Guinea and the Guinean people.

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