Statement attributable to the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator a.i. in Sudan, Mr. Geert Cappelaere, on protection of medical units in South Kordofan

KHARTOUM, Sudan, June 18, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan a.i., Mr. Geert Cappelaere, is deeply concerned by reports that a civilian hospital run by the international relief agency Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Farrandalla, South Kordofan, was recently bombed by military aircraft.

“I am very concerned that international obligations to ensure that medical units are protected during times of conflict are not being upheld,” said Mr. Cappelaere.

“Inside, are ordinary people who are seeking medical attention in a civilian hospital and humanitarian relief workers. They should not have to pay for this conflict with their lives. I would like to remind all parties to this conflict that clearly marked medical units are not to be attacked. The bombing of a medical facility simply should not happen,” he said.

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