Statement Attributable to the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly / United Nations, New York


Statement Attributable to the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly / United Nations, New York


MOGADISHU, Somalia, December 9, 2011/African Press Organization (APO)/ — President Al-Nasser concludes a one-day visit to Somalia

The President of the General Assembly, H.E. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, has concluded a one-day official visit to Somalia with UN Secretary-General Mr. Ban Ki-moon.


In Mogadishu, President Al-Nasser and Secretary General Ban held meetings with H.E. President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, H.E. Dr. Adiweli Mohamed Ali, Prime Minister of the Transitional Federal Government and H.E. Sharif Hassan Sheikh, Speaker of the Transitional Federal Parliament. They discussed a wide range of issues including the humanitarian and security situation in Somalia and the implementation of the Somali Roadmap.


In his meeting with Somali government officials, President Al-Nasser re-iterated that the implementation of the Roadmap adopted last September is the way forward. He re-affirmed that the United Nations and the international community stand ready to offer whatever assistance they can to help in its implementation.


During his meeting with international and local aid workers on the ground, President Al-Nasser commended their life-saving work on the ground. He stressed that their security and safety is a top priority.


President Al-Nasser pledged the support and goodwill of the General Assembly and Member States of the United Nations for the Government and people of Somalia.



United Nations – Office of the President of the General-Assembly

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