Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on Burundi

NEW YORK, June 5, 2015/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Secretary-General remains concerned about the potential for violence in Burundi to escalate further. He reiterates his call for calm and restraint.

The Secretary-General urges the Burundian authorities to abide by their international commitments with respect to human rights, including the right to peaceful assembly. He calls on the authorities to ensure that the security forces avoid the use of excessive force in handling demonstrations. He stresses that those responsible for ordering or committing human rights violations will be held accountable. He notes that the Security Council intends to consider the various tools at its disposal to safeguard peace in Burundi and ensure accountability.

The Secretary-General encourages Burundian stakeholders to resume in earnest the consultative political dialogue facilitated by his Special Envoy, Said Djinnit. He hopes the parties to the dialogue will implement, without delay, the confidence-building measures already agreed.

The Secretary-General continues to engage with regional and other leaders on the political crisis in Burundi. He welcomes the Communiqué of the 31 May Summit of the East African Community (EAC), and urges the swift implementation of measures to help create the conditions for the holding of peaceful, inclusive and credible elections in Burundi, such as the disarmament of all armed youth groups affiliated with political parties.

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