South Sudan Law Reform Commission Holds Consultative Workshop on Draft Legal Aid Bill

South Sudan Law Reform Commission (SSLRC), supported by UNDP’s Access to Justice and Rule of Law project, is facilitating a consultative meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, 30 January 2018 at Juba Regency Hotel, to incorporate inputs from relevant stakeholders on the draft legal aid bill. The draft bill offers for an independent legal aid board that will manage and deliver legal aid in South Sudan and create relevant policies to facilitate the process.

UNDP’s Access to Justice and Rule of Law project provides support to the Government of South Sudan on the development of strategies and systems to provide legal aid for indigent citizens. In 2011, the project partnered with the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs to develop a legal aid strategy to develop and implement legislation that focuses on human and women’s rights issues. This support included the provision of technical inputs and expertise on key legislation, the development of policy papers and strategic documents, as well as knowledge development and dissemination. In line with the strategy, the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs developed an action plan for the restructuring and planning for the extension of prosecution and legal aid services to state and county levels.

What: Workshop on Draft Legal Aid Bill
When: 30 January 2018 at 0900 hrs
Where: Juba Regency Hotel


  • His Lordship Chan Reec Madut, Chief Justice of the Judiciary of South Sudan (JOSS)
  • H.E. Paulino Wanawilla Onango, Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs
  • Hon. Changkuot Deal Diaw, Chief Executive Director of the South Sudan Law Review Commission (SSLRC)
  • Professor Deng Awur, Dean of the College of Law at the University of Juba
  • Dr. Kamil Kamaluddeen, Country Director, UNDP.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

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Source: Apo-Opa

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