South Africa / IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde to Visit South Africa

South Africa / IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde to Visit South Africa

JOHANNESBURG, South-Africa, December 20, 2011/African Press Organization (APO)/ Ms. Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), will visit South Africa from January 5¬-7, 2012. Ms. Lagarde will meet with the Presidency, the key economic ministers, as well as the Reserve Bank Governor, to discuss the challenges facing African countries and emerging markets more generally.

“This will be my first visit to South Africa as Managing Director of the IMF. Not only is South Africa a vital member of the IMF, it is also an important player in the G-20 process. This will be an opportunity for me to receive feedback on current challenges from such an important African voice. I also hope this visit will strengthen our partnership to work within the context of the IMF toward sounder and stronger global growth.

“As I have noted, the world economy is in a critical phase, and we have to make sure we all work together to tackle the challenges on the road ahead,” Ms. Lagarde said.


International Monetary Fund (IMF)

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