South Africa: ANC needs 0.2% for 2/3 majority

As the counting of votes continues, the ANC needs 0.2% to keep its two thirds majority. Something that may allow the main Southafrican political party to change the constitution made in the 90s after the anti apartheid struggle.

The news appeared on a government website, signed by Nthambeleni Gabara.

“The African National Congress – it’s on the Southafrican website – is set to reach and maintain its two thirds majority rule before the final counting of ballots by midday”.

For a political party to reach a majority rule, it must achieve 67 percent.

“Although it’s still dicey, there is a great chance for the ANC to reach its two thirds majority since ballot counting is still continuing at the Tshwane and Durban Metros as well is some rural areas,” independent election analyst, Elmon Mahlangu told BuaNews a few minutes ago.

These are the latest results as they appear on

The ANC has currently won 66.42% of the national vote (8,765,499 votes), according to IEC results released by 10am on Friday.

13,082,110 votes have been counted and verified so far, according to the IEC.

The Democratic Alliance has secured 2,047,009 votes, or 15.76% of the national vote.

The Congress of the People has won 1,002,246 votes, or 7.66 % of the vote.

The IFP has won 535,265 votes, or 4.35% of the national vote.

The Freedom Front Plus has won 122,704 votes, or 0.97% of the vote.

The UDM has won 125,012 votes, or 0.96% of the vote.

The IEC says it plans to release the final result by Saturday evening.

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