Somalia: 68 deaths since Friday

Clashes between moderate pro-Islamic militia and those of the fundamentalist group al Shabaab have killed at least 68 people in central Somalia, while 3000 refugees are fleeing the area. The report pro-forces and a group of Human Rights.

Today, witnesses report that the al Shabaab militia have captured Jowhar, a strategic town that is an important link between the capital Mogadishu and the central regions.

The nation in the Horn of Africa is experiencing one of the bloodiest clashes for months, and the transitional government is trying to keep the insurgents, who want to oust the administration of the President, Sheikh Sharif Ahmed.

“We have killed 47 fighters of al Shabaab, including a white, a Mahas and Wabho,” Sheikh Abdullahi Sheikh Abu Yusuf, spokesman for the moderate group Ahlu Sunna Waljamaca, said to Reuters.

“In our files, three died and 10 were injured. We continue to fight to eradicate al Shabaab.”

The organization for peace and Human Rights, Elman, based in Mogadishu, says that 18 civilians were killed in clashes between Friday and yesterday and that more than 3,000 people have left their homes.

Somalia is without an effective government since 1991, when dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was deposed, and tens of thousands of people have been killed, while millions were forced to flee their homes.


Source: Reuters Italy

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