Seychelles to lead Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) Election Observer Mission in Kenya

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tourism - Foreign Affairs Department, Republic of Seychelles
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The Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) announces the deployment of its election observation mission (EOM) for the general elections in the Republic of Kenya. H.E. Ambassador Claude Morel has been appointed as the Head of Mission. The Eastern Africa Standby Force Election Observation Mission (EASF-EOM) will be based in Nairobi and the mission will consist of twenty observers from ten countries of the eastern region including Seychelles. General elections in Kenya will take place on 9th August where Kenyan voters will elect the president and deputy president, county governors and running mates, members of the Senate, representatives of the National Assembly and members of County Assemblies. Voting will be held across an estimated of 46,232 polling stations across the country.

The EASF-EOM assessment will be based on relevant provisions of the AU African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance of 2012, other relevant international instruments on election observation as well as national legal framework governing elections in Kenya.

EASF calls on all candidates and political leaders to maintain respect and tolerance throughout the election process, to respect human rights and divergence of views. The Head of Mission, Ambassador Morel is expected to meet with relevant stakeholders involved in the election process in Kenya. The EASF was the only observer mission deployed during Seychelles’ general elections in 2020. A preliminary report on the assessment and conduct of the election is expected to be released on the 10th of August, 2022.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tourism – Foreign Affairs Department, Republic of Seychelles.

Source: Apo-Opa

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