Seychelles: Government holds discussion with Insurers and transport authorities in relation to SMSA (Identification of Small Vessels) Regulation, 2023 (S.I 4 of 2023)

State House – Office of the President of the Republic of Seychelles
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President Wavel Ramkalawan accompanied by the Vice-President, Mr Ahmed Afif convened a special meeting with all insurance companies along with the Seychelles Maritime Safety Authority (SMSA) and other relevant transport authorities at State House yesterday afternoon. 

The main aim of the meeting was to discuss and address any pertinent concerns these organisations and entities may have regarding the new SMSA (Identification of Small Vessels) Regulation, 2023 (S.I 4 of 2023) which was recently repealed. 

The meeting was an opportunity for the various entities to air their views and openly discuss areas that were unclear or require further discussion. New inputs or suggestions on how to further improve certain areas of the regulation were also raised. Some of the key issues or challenges highlighted included the cost of the premium to be charged by insurers, surveying expenses as well as other requirements for boat owners under the new of the regulation. 

Following this meeting, in the coming days a technical meeting will be held for an extended dialogue by all the parties involved to further address the issues raised and to propose solutions for the way forward. Further consultation with the small boat owners and leisure higher-craft will thereafter be held to explain the regulation in detailed, garner their inputs and agree on a way forward for the benefit of all stakeholders involved. 

Following discussions, the President thanked all the stakeholders for their willingness and support in working together to provide a more comprehensive legislation that is in the best interest of all parties concerned. 

Speaking to the press after the meeting, Vice-President Afif made a special appeal to all the small boat owners who fall within this category of small vessels to attend the consultations and share their views so as to ensure the final regulation reflects all views and any other pertinent components are taken into consideration. On behalf of the insurers, the Chairman of the Insurers Association of Seychelles, Mr Percy Quatre said the insurance companies are happy to work out cost effective premiums

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of State House – Office of the President of the Republic of Seychelles.

Source: Apo-Opa

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