NEW YORK, December 6, 2013/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Gérard Araud ( France):

The members of the Security Council are profoundly saddened to hear of the death of President Nelson Mandela. He was an inspirational leader who transformed the lives of millions of people around the world. The members of the Security Council extend their deepest condolences to his family and to the Government and people of South Africa at this time.

The members of the Security Council express their deepest admiration for the outstanding qualities of moral and political leadership displayed by Nelson Mandela throughout his lifetime. His lifelong fight against racial oppression and his decisive role in shaping the peaceful transition to a united and democratic South Africa are a lasting legacy to his country and to the world.

The members of the Security Council commend the adoption in 2009 of Nelson Mandela International Day, the first ever international day in honour of an individual. The members of the Security Council consider this to be a reflection of the magnitude of Nelson Mandela’s contribution to freedom and justice. Nelson Mandela Day is a celebration of the idea that each individual has the power to transform the world, and the ability to make an impact, just as Nelson Mandela did himself.

The members of the Security Council express their solidarity with the people of South Africa at this sad time. President Nelson Mandela will forever be remembered as someone who gave up so much of his life in the struggle for freedom, so that millions could have a brighter future.

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