Return to Care Campaign (RTC)

Ambassade des États-Unis en Cote d'Ivoire
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The PEPFAR Côte d’Ivoire interagency team launched the Return to Care (RTC) campaign on Tuesday, 7 January through Thursday, 9 January by training USG interagency and site personnel on patient tracking tools, standard operating procedures, etcetera to be used at 31 high priority sites in Abidjan by site personnel. Over the next several weeks, 8-10 teams will conduct site visits these 31 high priority sites in Abidjan to assess tracking of people living with HIV (PLHIV) considered lost to follow up, documentation of patient outcomes, and facilitate return of patients to care. The findings will inform programmatic decisions and implementation of strategies to improve retention of PLHIV on treatment.

In collaboration with the PEPFAR interagency team, members of clinical implementing partners (Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) and Foundation Ariel Glazer (ARIEL)), civil society organizations (CSOs) and the Ministry of Public Health/ Le Programme National de la lutte contre le Sida  (PNLS), provided an orientation of patient management tools as well as refresher training to over 200 site personnel.  The orientation focused on data collection and reporting to ensure standard operating procedures (SOPs) are consistent across the 31 sites and eventually the 140 priority sites in country.  In addition, the team held focus group discussions along with role-play sessions, which led to practical application of lessons learned and site staff calling their assigned cohort of PLHIV patients who missed their ART appointments

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Ambassade des États-Unis en Cote d’Ivoire.
Source: Apo-Opa

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