Remarks by HRVP Federica Mogherini at the press conference following her meeting with Mr Oldemiro Júlio Marques Baloi, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Mozambique:

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The European Union is a longstanding partner of Mozambique in many different aspects, many of those were mentioned by the minister.

Let me also say that Mozambique is perceived in the world and in Europe in particular as a success story of national reconciliation and engagement in a peace process and dialogue. This has also contributed, in the last two decades, to improve and strengthen our economic partnership and relations.

We see the current developments on the political and security side as a risk to threaten what was achieved in these past two decades, in a particular difficult time for the population of the country especially affected by droughts and floods. We also discussed that with the minister. We are obviously ready to support the country in this difficult moment, especially the population of the country.

That is also why we believe that it is going to be key to find a way to restore a dynamic reconciliation, a credible one, one that manages to deliver to the people and to allow the democratic institutions to work at full, as it is in a democracy, and to build trust from all sides in the democratic institutions.

We see a collective responsibility in these difficult times to build on the achievements of the past two decades that were the result of courageous leadership. 

We have also discussed how we can best support these perspectives. These are the only perspectives that we, Europeans, see for the country. 

We also discussed regional developments. We appreciate very much the role of Mozambique in the regional context, especially having some responsibilities regionally that it is exercising in a very open coordination also with the European Union.

The European Union is always ready to do its part whenever it is matter of facilitating democratic and diplomatic processes. Obviously respectfully of the role of regional organisations, such as the African Union, which is always the case. And we are always there to help as a loyal partner and as a partner on which you know you can always count.

Let me also say because I am not sure I will have the chance of meeting with the press again, I was delighted to start this visit with the meeting with the Minister, I will proceed with the meeting with the President. I will also visit civil society organisations and projects that are funded by the European Union, especially in the field of youth unemployment and opportunities for young people.

I will also meet some private investors, European private investors in the country and I will also have tomorrow a meeting with RENAMO and MDM [Movimento Democrático de Mozambique] and then I will continue my visit in a neighbouring country.

Let me thank you very much.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of European Union.

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