Refugees: EU Commission back ‘resettlement’ program

The European Commission proposed today a program for the relocation of refugees from a country of first asylum, offering temporary protection, to another country that could offer permanent protection.

Jacques Barrot, Member of the European Commission for Justice, Freedom and Security, said that it is a tool that will enable the EU to show solidarity with third countries.

The Commission today proposed the creation of a “common European program of resettlement”. This program aims to make the resettlement in the EU a more effective tool for the protection of refugees, strengthening the political and practical cooperation between Member States.

The term “relocation” stands for the transfer of refugees from countries of first asylum where they receive temporary protection, to another country where they can start a new life and enjoy permanent protection.

The vast majority of refugees worldwide are outside the EU, in developing countries of Asia and Africa. The return to the country of origin is the preferred solution for most of them. However, for some refugees, especially vulnerable people, this is not an option, resettlement is for them the only solution.

The Vice-President of the EU Commission Jacques Barrot, responsible for Justice, Freedom and Security, said: “The Commission is today taking an important step that will allow us to truly demonstrate solidarity with third countries hosting many refugees”.

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